Sunday, March 1, 2009

Groovy Peace and Love School Program

Nathaniel's school had their Winter Program on Friday. It was a very tie-dyed affair. Two years ago they stopped having the winter program right before Christmas break. It was supposed to be a scheduling thing, but I guess it was a convenient way to avoid the hassle of balancing Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza songs with the non-denominational groovy songs of which the powers that be at our school are so fond. So we were treated to the timeless philosophies of Peter, Paul, and Mary and The Beetles (I guess 40 year old counter-culture jargon has become appropriate fodder for children) along with the songs prepared by each grade level. Here is Nathaniel in orange jamming to "Brand New Day". Forgive the follicle-shot of the lady in front of me. She needed to mess with her hair after taking off her hat.

sorry - video wouldn't upload. I'll try again tomorrow.

At the end of the program, they played music while the children wait to file off the risers. It must have been a song Nathaniel particularly enjoyed because he played air guitar and danced the whole time.

So, now that the winter program is over, I am declaring an official end to winter. I have firewood in the playroom that will have to go back out to the wood pile and wait until next fall. I'm done with winter. I'm almost done with my winter vegetables from the garden. Next week Daylight Savings Time starts. (It was in the announcement-program at church. Are we that centered on church that we need them to tell us when to change our clocks? I might be.) Let us move on to Spring! If the weather at your house makes it difficult to make that declaration, you should have made plans to visit my house. There's still time you know...

1 comment:

BerryFamily5 said...

Hey Garners!!! Thanks for sending us your blog, it was so fun to see the kids and all they are doing. Your garden looks amazing! Such beautiful dark California even. Who would have thought? And hey, we definitely will come visit sometime! Carry on....The Berrys