The bike came mostly assembled - I just put on the seat, pedals, handlebars, and front brakes. It's a track bike with just one gear. It has a freewheel so Davis can hold his feet still while he coasts down a hill. But, it can be converted to a "fixie" which means it has a fixed gear so the pedals always move when the wheels move. You have to pedal really fast down a hill. He can change it when he gets used to the skinny tires and builds some bike muscles. There are lots of hills here and he'll be building muscles getting up them with just one gear.
Davis chose the color - clockwork orange. Nice.
Here he is on the maiden voyage. It's very different than riding a mountain bike - much more squirrely and you feel closer to the ground. Also, the skinny jean trend makes it a little more difficult getting on and off the bike. At least the jeans have a little lycra now-a-days.
Orange is my favorite color, but I never thought about making my bike that color.
Orange is a great colour for a bike, it will reflect the light of oncoming car headlights and prevent accidents. Now where's the helmet? Safty first!
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