Friday, March 18, 2011

Doomed Blooms

A week or so ago my little peach tree stick started to bloom... and then the nectarine, the meyer lemon, the oroblanco grapefruit and I bought a washington navel orange and hass avacado trees.  I told my mother in law that they were starting to bloom.  I was so excited.  She asked, "Are you going to pick off the blossoms or wait and pick off the little fruit?"  What???
Meyer Lemon with ant


Washington Navel

Apparently you aren't supposed to let them fruit the first couple years so they can build stronger roots. :(
Watch out little ant.


holly said...

Who knew that? Your plants, like always, look gorgeous. Citrus doesn't grow in the heat of Texas...bummer.

Katie said...

What a bummer! You always have the best gardens! Your pictures look great!!

Bethany said...

I hate that whole deferred gratification part.

I like the new look for your blog, though -- cute!

trashmaster46 said...

We had to do that with our blueberries too. They'll make some berries the first couple of years, but barely 20 berries for each plant. I've been picking off half the flowers but letting the rest fruit 'cause I just can't wait 5-6 years with *no* berries!