Friday, October 31, 2008


This year Davis and Nathaniel wanted to be the same thing - Link, a character from the video game "Legend of Zelda". I made the costumes and Chris made the swords (and ended up with bandaids all over his fingers). The swords turned out very cool and they are the best part of the costumes.
Chris is sitting in our "craftsman style chair" next to the tile-top table his brother Matt made for us (We'll have to include it in a new post).

Here is Nathaniel with his class at the elementary school Halloween parade.


Jami said...

Welcome to this world!

Arizona Cotchers said...

Your blog looks great! It's fun to see your pix! Soon we'll get to see you all in person. :o)

Carlin said...

I love the boys costumes, impressive swords... I don't know if I'd have the guts to let my boys have them. We've been on here almost a year now and I didn't think I would like it, but its helped me keep up with my pictures and for a while it was a little addicting.

pmc379 said...

Wow...Nathaniel looks a lot older. I can't believe it's been over a year since I've seen you guys. Sounds like Halloween was a blast. Can't wait to see you guys and visit!!!