Thursday, November 13, 2008

Visit from Grandma Johansen

This week Grandma Johansen came to visit and we had terrific weather. It has ranged from the low 70s to the mid 80s with lots of sun! California is a great place this time of year (you should visit too.) We picked her up at the airport and tried to go for a birdwalk in Marina Del Rey at the Ballona Creek Freshwater Marsh. Well, we drove through a boggy area about a block long on a dirt road with some water on both sides. There was a big sign proclaiming that it was the right place, but no where to park and no actual trails. When the website claims that they are undergoing further development - they really mean it. After some failed attempts to get to the beach (fenced off) or a park (patch of grass) or a place with restaurants (canals block streets and its hard to get around), or trying to salvage the outing by going the Griffith Observatory (closed on Mondays), we drove back home and Grandma treated us to lunch at the soda fountain. This saved the day for the boys who had just spent 2 hours in the car with a grouchy mom.

The rest of the week we've been bike riding in Lacy Park, shopping at the outlet mall in Ontario, enjoying art and gardens at Huntington Library, and also fixing a flat tire. Tomorrow Grandma heads home, but first (after the boys are dropped off at school) she and Jennifer will have breakfast at Julienne's (can you say, "creme brulee'ed french toast"?).

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