Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Garden is Planted

The garden is now planted. The artichoke plant is from last year and I think I'll pick it tomorrow to steam with garlic. Here is a long view of the garden. If you have a magnifying lens you can see the labels. Basically I have a raspberry hedge in the far distance, then tomatoes with radishes and lettuce in between and nasturtiums along the edge. Then peppers and chiles, onions, garlic and shallots, and then red and russet potatoes. Where the soaker hoses get wavy I planted early and late corn with spinach in between. In the foreground is climbing and bush beans with marigold and chives interplanted, cucumbers, summer and winter squash, and a variety of herbs. I'm trying partner-planting with herbs to cut down on ants and aphids.

Here is the sun shining through the cages of peppers and tomatoes.
Nathaniel helped by planting potatoes, onions, and beans.
You can see the garlic already starting to come up.

I'll post more pictures as it grows, and as I begin to harvest.


winkieburger said...
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winkieburger said...

Forget the South pas farmer's market...let's all go to the Garner farmer's market! Your garden is seriously amazing.

The Proctor Group said...

Your garden is amazing! The artichoke looks beautiful.

Bethany said...

Admittedly, I'm envious. It's beautiful! Just last Saturday, after treating ourselves to a package of Costco raspberries that were so good not one made it home to share with the kids, Nate and I decided to add some bushes in our yard. I can't wait.

Katie said...

Your garden looks AWESOME!!! Thanks for coming last night!