Sunday, June 21, 2009

June Garden

Here are some more recent shots of my garden
Here I'm spraying a soap solution on the aphids that attacked my yard-long beans. It killed the aphids right away, but the beans were too damaged and shriveled away. I think they get a bacterial wilt from the damage produced by the aphids. So even though the aphids were dead, the plants were already infected.
This was my first major picking of the season.

This is about the whole extent of the blueberry crop. I have 4 little bushes and I need to figure out how to condition the soil for them. They're not happy.

The black raspberries, on the other hand, are doing great! They aren't as soft and juicy as the red ones, but I pick more than a pint of them each day.

This is my favorite variety of lettuce called tom thumb. It forms a nice little head of lettuce about the size of a grapefruit. It is better tolerant of the warm weather than other head lettuce and its crisper than loose leaf lettuce.

The little greens between the hoses are watercress. Kind of peppery when you put it in a salad.

Here's a shot through the onions looking toward the peppers and tomatoes. Still waiting for ripe tomatoes though.

I planted nasturtium to act as an insect repellent. It's supposed to discourage ants which should reduce the aphid problems. These are planted right by the tomatoes and I haven't seen many aphids this year, so maybe it's helping. I could also put the blossoms in salads, but I haven't felt that adventurous yet.

Here's one of the daylillies that Chris' mom gave me from her yard a few years ago. They cover the hill above the garden.

I have volunteer gladioli near the house. I'm glad for volunteers because I don't put much effort into ornamental plants.
I'm hoping to have tomatoes, peppers and corn in the next few weeks. Stay tuned my tiny little audience.


Kerri said...

love the picture with the spray gun! With Arthur in the animation industry, I have to watch lots of programs on First-Person shooter video games (thankfully, we don't play them). Anyways, the picture with the sprayer reminds me of those games - only the weapon is slightly different!

mmmm - blackberries! That is the good stuff!

Bethany said...

That is absolutely enviable!